eXtremecode ASP.Net Generator Screenshot

eXtremecode ASP.Net Generator

eXtremecode Generator (short name eX Generator ) is simply a tool which takes a collection of database connections as an input and produce a well-formed Asp.net Application.
eX Generator consists of two applications. One application is eXtremecode Definition Generator (short name XDG Application), for generating database schema which takes collection of database connections as an input and gives databases schema (definition) in the form of an XML file. And second application is eXtremecode Generator (short name XG Application ), for generating Asp.Net application which takes generated database definitions and predefined templates as an input and give final result in the form of an Asp.Net application.

Quick Start (Without Login)
-Download eXtremecode generator.
-Open Connections.config file from eXDG folder.
-Define required connections in Connections.config file. (multiple connections are allowed each connection must have unique name)
- Run eXDG.exe (all tables and views of respected connections will be populated in a grid)
-Select Required entities , for them you want to generate definitions.
-Click Generate button (two files, eXDefinition.xml and eXCustomDefinition.xml will be created in the same folder)
-Close eXDG application
-Copy Last created files (eXDefinition.xml and eXCustomDefinition.xml) into eXG/Templates folder.
-Copy Updated Connections.config file into eXG/Templates/WebSite folder. (Replace old files)
-Run eXG.exe from eXG folder
-Select Template path e-g D:/eXG/Templates
-Select Output path, where asp.Net application need to be created
-Press Load Button (it will load list of table and views, for them you have generated Definitions)
-Click Select All button
-Click Generate Button
-Register generated site on IIS or run website by Visual Studio.
-Run generated web site (An exception will ask to define home page.)
-Replace exception with redirect statement e.g (Response.Redirect(page url);)

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eXtremecode ASP.Net Generator Related
New software of Software Development, Misc. Programming