PsychroGen Screenshot


Advanced, free to download, psychrometric charting and calculator software with numerous unique features.

Number of types of charts: Over 60 types of charts in addition to Psychrometric Charts and Mollier Diagrams
User-selectable X and Y axis parameters.
Multiple Altitude Display mode.
Simultaneous display of property lines at up to a maximum of four altitudes.
Full-featured property values calculator with (input required: altitude or pressure and ANY 2 independent property values) over 30 different input pairs.
Results of practically all (limited only by available memory) calculations can be retained on-screen.
Saturation curves and dew points of compressed air.
Saturation details of up to 5 temperatures (over a wide range of pressures) can be simultaneously displayed.
Knowing initial conditions, find amount of condensate at different pressures and temperatures
Practically any combination of properties on the X and Y axes (up to 66 different combinations)
Dewpoint and satutaion temperatures of compressed air.
Pre-loaded examples of some processes.
Dynamic display of mixing ratios, ADP and SHR
Process Mode for finding SHR and other process parameters
Help feature with detailed ?How To? notes on using the various features

Completely free to download and use for 30 days. Licence required after that. Annual Licence GBP 20 to GBP 40. Student Licence GBP 60 for 3 years. Unlimited duration Licences available. Quantity and Educational Discounts available.
On-line registration needed.

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