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Quick Word Recovery

New format MS Word docx files are in reality zipped collections of mostly xml files with the text entirely stored in the document.xml file. If there is one XML error in this file Word will error out and not display your document. This program works by truncating the document.xml file 50 characters ahead of the first XML error and then adding the ending tags automatically with xmllint. The amount the files are truncated is adjustable. The truncation is done in the first place as the XML validator will often only report the first XML error several characters after the actual XML corruption begins. If the 50 character default end the file within a complex tag, then xmllint may not be able to correctly refinish the end tags and thus it is useful in those cases to truncate less or more characters to try to get into a text/data region instead of a complex tag, or at least in a tag where xmllint knows how to truncate and end the file by itself (xmllint apparently does some truncating).

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