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Match n Freq

Pulse shaping filter program that finds the pole-zero locations of a transfer function, H(s), for a matched filter. H(s) equals a -desired- signal (Yout) divided by a given input signal (Yin). Both Yout and Yin are functions of frequency.

Group delay may also be calculated to compliment a given data set, thus, providing a flat group delay. Minimizing Intersymbol Interference in a read/write channel for disc drives by shaping and slimming an isolated readback pulse was the main objective for writing this program.

For more info, see Kost, R. and P. Brubaker; 'Arbitrary equalization with simple LC structures'; IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Nov. 1981, pp 3346-3348 or visit .Another improved productivity example do to using Calculus-level Problem-Solving.

Industry problems with solutions over the past twenty plus years have been put into a textbook to show the power of Calculus-level Problem-Solving. The textbook as on our website at The software architect behind Calculus Compilers was Joe Thames.

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