Internet marketing software two Screenshot

Internet marketing software two

This Internet marketing software allows you to auto browse lists of URLs that you find in Search engine result pages (by entering keywords of your choice or choosing in the embedded Internet marketing keyword top 400), in the first module.
You can also import lists of URLs from text files, one per line, in the second module. We added the list of the top Internet marketing sites, found on the major search engines. You import it from the my-files folder.

You launch the software. You enlarge the built in browsers, you sit back, open a soda, and auto surf :)

You can set up your auto browsing speed in both modules. You can remove duplicate entries, automatically or by hand. You can stop browsing, and re start. To re start, you either click on the "Re start" button or click a listbox's row.

You can export your filtered lists into a text file, in two different formats.

A built in "Help" window carries more informations about the software's functions.

We are not affiliated with any service contacted within this software.

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