ApacheLogsViewer Screenshot


Apache Log Viewer is a free tool which lets you monitor/view and analyze Apache/IIS logs with more ease. It offers search and filter functionality for the log file, together with highlighting the various http requests based on their status code. There is also a report facility, thus you can generate a pie/bar chart in seconds. From version 0.7 onwards there are also statistics facilities where you can get the top hits, top errors, number of status codes, total bandwidth and more.

-Color code Access Log lines according to status codes
-Color code Error Log lines according to error codes
-Translate IP to Country using GeoLite Database
-Search for IP Address
-Search for Request String
-Search for Date
-Search using any combination of the above
-Filter according to HTTP Status Code
-Filter according to HTTP Status Code Range 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx
-Export any selected list to text file/comma separated value, txt/csv
-Visual Reports (Pie/Bar Charts)

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