CryptoNote Download

Downloading CryptoNote 4.0

CryptoNote is a secure RTF & HTML notes keeper, personal information database, journal/diary, file encryptor and email encryption utility. CryptoNote files are always compressed and optionally encrypted using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) - the strongest encryption standard. Organize and keep your private information safe from prying eyes. Easily open/edit at the click of the mouse button. Clip and save webpage articles and graphics using copy/paste with this WYSIWYG HTML notes keeper.. CryptoNote has a "Tabbed" document interface - you can have any number of internal notes, all open at once. Send encrypted email messages easily at the click of a button.

- Personal information/knowledge database
- Optionally encrypted using AES - the strongest encryption standard
- Send and receive encrypted email messages
- Spell checker
- Unlimited number of internal notes
- "Tabbed" document interface - have any number of internal notes open at once
- Unlimited WinZip-like Attachments
- Automatically works with the most popular email programs
- Powerful RTF word processor
- Advanced Office 2003 interface
- Always Compressed
- Easily email and store your sensitive or private data, such as account data, legal or corporate documents
- Store any private information in CryptoNote Files, such as Passwords and Account Logins or any kind of file, such as Office Documents
- Prevent Spyware from reading your private data by keeping it in CryptoNote files

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