NativeExcel suite Download

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Downloading NativeExcel suite 2.5.3

NativeExcel suite v2.x is a high-performance solution for Delphi Developers that allows writing of new Excel spreadsheets and reading of existing ones.
- High performance;
- Convenient object model;
- Support for all Excel formatting options;
- Microsoft Office is not required;
- Pure Delphi source code;
- Complete documentation with numerous examples;
- Open an existing excel file;
- Access any cell values (number, string, date, boolean, formula);
- Calculation engine to perform computation on the cells;
- Cell attributes (alignment, comments, orientation, borders, background attributes, and so on);
- Font attributes (font name, font size, color, decoration, and so on);
- Images support (bmp, jpg, png, emf, wmf);
- Merged cells;
- Unicode characters support;
- Copy/Move/Delete/Insert range of cells;
- Group rows and columns;
- Hyperlinks support;
- Worksheet attributes (name, protection);
- Printing attributes (page size, orientation, margins, footer, header, page breaks, and so on);
- Exporting workbooks and worksheets to HTML, RTF files;
- TDataset2Excel component. Populates a spreadsheet from TDataset descendants;
- TDBGrid2Excel component. Populates a spreadsheet from TDBGrid descendants;

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